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A Dolby Cinema tavasza, élethű filmes élmény

  • Írás nyelve: Koreai
  • Referencia ország: Dél-Korea country-flag

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A durumis AI által összefoglalt szöveg

  • A Dolby Cinema Dolby Vision és Dolby Atmos technológiát alkalmazva élénk és magával ragadó filmes élményt nyújt, márciusban pedig a "Nyomorultak", a "Madame Web" és a "Bob Marley: One Love" filmek kerülnek bemutatásra.
  • Március 20-án a "Spy x Family - Code: White" című film, március 27-én pedig a "Godzilla vs. Kong: A New Empire" kerül a mozikba, minden film Dolby Vision és Dolby Atmos technológiával biztosítja a még magával ragadóbb élményt.
  • A Dolby Cinema a legmodernebb technológiával és innovációval a legjobb filmes élményt nyújtja a vendégeknek, és elkötelezett a fenntartható jövő iránt.

Dolby Cinema, a choice for the ultimate movie experience

Dolby Laboratories presents five films that will adorn the spring of Dolby Cinema in March. This lineup features a diverse selection, and you can experience sharp visuals and rich sound in Dolby Cinema, where Dolby Vision, Dolby's premium HDR video technology, and Dolby Atmos, the next-generation immersive audio technology, are applied.

A márciusban a Dolby Cinema-ban bemutatott filmek posztere. Balról jobbra: "Nyomorultak", "Madame Web", "Bob Marley: One Love", "Spy x Family - Code: White", "Godzilla vs. Kong: A New Empire"

The advantages of Dolby Cinema

Dolby Cinema strives to provide audiences with the ultimate movie experience. By offering films of various genres in luxurious and realistic visuals and sound, it provides audiences with inspiration and excitement. The advantages of Dolby Cinema are as follows:

Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos: Dolby Cinema uses state-of-the-art Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos technology to provide audiences with a vivid and immersive movie viewing experience. This allows you to completely immerse yourself in the world of the film.

Diverse lineup: It screens films of various genres, allowing all viewers to enjoy films that suit them. It offers a wide range of options from the latest releases to classic films that have been loved for a long time.

Realistic sound: Dolby Atmos's dynamic sound brings the scenes and emotions of the film to life. Viewers can feel the realism of being directly in the film.

Premium environment: Dolby Cinema uses the latest sound and video equipment to provide the best viewing environment. Viewers can enjoy the film on comfortable seats and screens implemented with the latest technology.

Why watch in Dolby Cinema?

Watching a movie in Dolby Cinema will be more than just watching a movie. The combination of state-of-the-art technology, a diverse lineup, and a comfortable environment provides audiences with the ultimate cinematic experience. Watching movies in Dolby Cinema will immerse you in the story with vivid visuals and immersive sound.

Premium services: Dolby Cinema places great emphasis on customer service to provide the best movie experience. We respond quickly to any problems or requests that may arise during viewing, providing customers with satisfactory service.

Cultural contribution: Dolby Cinema contributes to the development of film culture. By screening films of various genres and providing opportunities for access to a diverse audience, it contributes to the growth and development of the film industry.

Sustainable future: Dolby Laboratories invests in the latest technology and innovation for a sustainable future. It provides an environmentally friendly cinema experience and strives to make efforts for a sustainable future.

Dolby Cinema invests in the latest technology and innovation to provide the ultimate movie experience, and strives to provide audiences with a vivid and immersive movie viewing experience. Enjoy the best movies together in Dolby Cinema!

Les Misérables (Les Misérables)

Release date: March 13

Overview: The musical film "Les Misérables", which was a worldwide hit in 2012, returns to Dolby Cinema. This work tells the story of Jean Valjean's journey and the story of how he is reborn through Bishop Myriel's love and salvation.
Features in Dolby Cinema: Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos technology are used to vividly convey the landscapes of France and the acting of the actors. The songs sung by the lead actors in real time are implemented with the vibrant sound of Dolby Atmos, adding to the moving experience.

Madam Web (Madam Web)

Release date: March 13

Overview: A new Marvel hero drama about a paramedic, Cassie Webb, who accidentally gains the ability to see the future and faces a fate intertwined like a spider web, becoming a hero who fights the villain "Syms" with the same psychic abilities to save the world.
Features in Dolby Cinema: Dolby Cinema offers an immersive experience for the audience by providing an immersive experience with action scenes that use psychic abilities.

Bob Marley: One Love (Bob Marley: One Love)

Release date: March 13

Overview: A musical film that portrays the life of legendary reggae musician "Bob Marley". The film captures the hot life of "Bob Marley", the icon of the 1970s, who changed the world with his revolutionary music that conveyed messages of love and unity.
Features in Dolby Cinema: Dolby Atmos delivers lively reggae music and Dolby Vision conveys his heartfelt and passionate echoes.

Spy Family: Code White (Spy Family: Code White)

Release date: March 20

Overview: The first theatrical release of the animation "Spy Family", the story of a disguised family composed of a spy, an assassin, and a superpowered girl, who embark on a top-secret mission to save the world's fate.
Features in Dolby Cinema: The combination of delicate animation implemented with Dolby Vision and the immersive sound of Dolby Atmos provides viewers with a high-quality cinematic experience.

Godzilla vs. Kong: New Empire (Godzilla vs. Kong: New Empire)

Release date: March 27

Overview: The second crossover work in the series, following the previous battle between Godzilla and Kong, where they join forces to fight a more powerful enemy, the Titans.
Features in Dolby Cinema: Dolby Vision's sharp visuals and Dolby Atmos's dynamic sound deliver Godzilla and Kong's giant and overwhelming action even more vividly.

Dolby website :⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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