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How to Check Someone Else's Google Adsense Pub ID

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Google Adsense pub ID is an ID used by Google Adsense to pay money, and anyone can check it.
  • You can check the pub ID of a website by searching for 'pub-' on the website using Google Chrome.
  • You can check the pub ID of a website by opening the developer tools in Chrome and searching for 'pub-'.

The Google AdSense pub ID is an ID that is essentially public to everyone.

Google AdSense uses this ID to pay money, and because it's public, it's possible to figure out who owns the website. Of course, it's not openly published, but you can easily find it if you want to know.

Here's how to check the Google AdSense pub ID:

1. Use Google Chrome to access someone else's website that has Google AdSense installed.

2. In Chrome, click on the [three dots button] in the upper right corner. (It's on the right side of the round profile picture).

3. Click on [More tools] which is about the 5th item from the bottom.

4. Open [Developer Tools]. (The shortcut key is "Ctrl+Shift+I").

Screenshot showing the developer tools appearing by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I in order

Pressing 1, 2, and 3 in order above will open the [Developer Tools] window

5. Press "Ctrl+F" to open the search window.

The search bar appears when you press Ctrl+F in the developer tools

Pressing the shortcut key [Ctrl+F] activates the red area.

6. Search for "pub-" to find the owner's pub ID for that website.

Screenshot showing the pub ID

Of course, I deleted the pub ID of the unknown person in the screenshot.

I hope this helps.

Thank you!

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