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How to manage multiple accounts (Gmail or GWS) in Google Chrome

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Google Chrome is a widely used web browser worldwide and provides features for convenient management of multiple Google accounts.
  • You can manage your personal and company accounts separately to separate work and personal life, and to manage login information, bookmarks, search history, etc. efficiently.
  • It is recommended to use company accounts for work-related bookmarks and logins, and to share Google Drive links, and personal accounts for managing blogs, reading, hobby-related links, and for personal logins.

Google Chrome is now the web browser used by many users instead of the old MS Explorer. Google Chrome's global average market share is 63.6% (as of January 24th).

How to manage multiple accounts in Google Chrome

Google Chrome has the advantage of being able to manage multiple Google accounts (gmail or Google Workspace).

There are mainly the following reasons to manage multiple accounts.

  • If you use multiple personal emails
  • If you use company email and personal email separately

If you use multiple personal emails

It is used for viewing YouTube recommendation videos, writing blogs with multiple accounts, etc.

If you use company email and personal email separately

This is because you use the GWS account at work and use your personal email (gmail) when you want to take a look at personal things for a moment. It's very convenient, so I recommend separating it.

I will guide you on how to use the feature to separate your company account and user account in Google Chrome.

1. After running Chrome, click the 'circle icon' at the top right.

1. Run Chrome and click on your icon in the top right.

2. Click [+Add] at the bottom instead of [Guest]

2. Click on [+Add] at the bottom.

3. [Set up a new Chrome profile] will appear. At this time, click on the [Login] button to log in. If you don't have an account, you can click on the [Login] button and then [Sign Up].

Like this,personalID@gmail.comandcompanyID@sample.comIt is recommended to manage each of the two accounts separately.

Managing accounts separately by browser allows you to separate saved password management, bookmarks, and search history upon login.

For example,

  • Company account : Easy to share links for work bookmarks, work logins, and Google Drive (documents, sheets, etc.)
  • Personal account : Manage links related to blogs, reading, personal hobbies and interests, and personal logins

It can be managed.

Google Chrome download link:

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