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Rewarded Ads

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Rewarded ads are a form of advertising where users receive rewards for watching ads or performing specific actions, commonly seen in mobile games and applications.
  • This type of ad encourages user participation and guarantees high engagement, enhancing user experience by offering in-game currency, items, or other rewards.
  • Rewarded ads possess marketing strategic advantages such as high ROI, targeting and customization, and increased brand awareness, making it an effective strategy that benefits both users and advertisers.

Rewarded ads are a form of advertising where users receive rewards for performing specific actions or watching ads. This method is commonly seen in mobile games and applications, designed to encourage user engagement and ensure high levels of participation. These ads provide valuable experiences for users while simultaneously delivering effective marketing results for advertisers.

Features of Rewarded Ads

Voluntary Participation: Users can choose whether to watch or interact with ads. This reduces the burden on users regarding ads and enhances their positive experience.
Rewards Offered: After watching ads, users receive digital rewards such as in-game currency, items, additional lives, etc. These rewards can encourage users to spend more time in the app and increase app usage frequency.
High Engagement Rate: The temptation of rewards leads many users to actively participate in ads, resulting in a higher engagement rate than traditional forms of advertising.
Positive User Experience: Users can perceive the value of watching ads through the rewards they receive, which can leave a positive impression on the brand.

Examples of Rewarded Ad Usage

Mobile Games: Watch advertising videos to gain extra lives or special items within the game.
Streaming Services: Watch ads to gain access to additional content or free trial periods.
Educational Applications: Watch ads to unlock learning content or obtain additional materials.

In South Korea, representative services such as 'Cashslide' exist, and you can think of 'Daily Allowance' within Kakao Bank, 'Click Money Accumulation' in Hana Money, or various advertising products of Toss Bank.

Advantages as a Marketing Strategy

High ROI: Because users want rewards, there is a high level of interest and engagement with ads. This allows advertisers to expect a higher return on investment.
Targeting and Customization: Rewarded ads can be customized based on user behavior and preferences, maximizing advertising effectiveness.
Increased Brand Awareness: By providing a positive experience for users, it can create a good impression and increase brand loyalty.

Rewarded ads are a marketing strategy that benefits both users and advertisers. Users get the rewards they want, while advertisers experience high engagement and effective advertising results. This strategy can significantly improve the user experience of apps and drive long-term user engagement.

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